Saturday, January 31, 2015


As I sit here and watch my children play together, I often find myself wondering what I would do without them in my life. It's no surprise that being a stay at home mom for so long has made me wonder this more than most, because they are my entire life. If I didn't have my children, I'd have a full time job and most likely a completely different life. It wasn't so long ago that I was living a completely different life - one that involved unwise decisions made by myself as an immature, selfish, but fairly normal 19 year old. That was 9 years ago, and having children changed me. Having children changes a lot of people, but some people just can't shake certain parts of their life. I have a feeling that that exact issue is something that has tainted this situation not only from the day Ayla Bell was reported missing, but from the moment Trista discovered she was pregnant. 

I've heard some people say "she should have changed when she had kids". Well guess what, the world isn't always perfect. My father is a drinker and a smoker, and he didn't change when he had children. So she made mistakes. Justin probably made mistakes as well, they just aren't as publicly shown as Trista's. So we have two people, who both probably made some selfish choices, but were parents because God blessed them with a baby. 

There has always been a certain level of speculation surrounding everyone involved in this case. I truly hope this venue can give everyone a chance to discuss and express their opinions.

Posts will not be regular, unless there are things happening. Guest posts are suggested - I am busy and doing this alone this time will not be easy. I will allow open commenting unless things become out of hand. We had a really good thing going at J4A and I would love to continue that forum here. The first few posts will be repeat recent guest posts followed by one I was planning on posting before I was stripped of any powers before.

Thanks guys, I really hope we can keep this as planned :)


  1. Are you going to tell the truth on this blog Katie? Or are you going to delete comments and differing opinions?

    Did Tori tell you she had been arrested again? What happened when the blog shut down? Who was Obscure, or No. 2? Did the DiPietro's really call Trista, and if so, why? Have they been blaming Trista all along?

  2. Grace - I have no "truth" to tell. What I know is what everyone else knows. I wish I had "inside information". I wish I knew where Ayla was. I wish I knew more. Differing opinions have never been deleted by me. This will be an open and public place for discussion. Those posting will not be able to be attacked, I can tell you that much. But anything case related will be allowed. ANYTHING.

    Tori has a criminal history. There is no denying that. Tori and I are acquaintances, we worked together on previous blogs, but I don't ask her about her daily life. Anyone's criminal past can be found online. Obscure I do not know, #2 lingered for a short time and is not involved with anyone or either family in this case. I don't know if the DiPietro's called Trista. I wouldn't be surprised if they all kept in touch. Do they think Trista or her family had something to do with any of this - absolutely. But that has been fairly obvious since day 1.

  3. Welcome back, Katie!

  4. Hey Katie glad you are back, hope to see more familiar faces also.

  5. I think this would be better with white background and black letters just a suggestion.

  6. Thank you Katie for opening this Blog , I'll do my best to spread the news of it :)
