Monday, February 2, 2015

TC4A - Paternal Response?

It has been brought to my attention that after TC4A was released, it was taken as sure fact and evidence in this case. Though LE has not discredited it, all they have said to it's merit is that they wouldn't want to be in Ayla's parents shoes. I admit, I wouldn't want to be (and neither would any of you here) in any family member of Ayla's shoes. The heartbreak and hurt they have felt since that fateful December day have to be immeasurable. I simply cannot imagine. But others also believe the DiPietro family did not respond to TC4A in any way... so I am simply bringing you the answer to that.

Recall this?

"Dear Members of the Media and Public -- For 21 months my family has been heartbroken waiting for word on Ayla. Praying daily and hoping every time the phone rings that the authorities have found Ayla. Blog world, the newspapers and even the evening news have a way of distorting the truth.

You have heard and read over and over again that Law Enforcement believe the 3 adults know more than what they are saying. Let me ask you this, if they so strongly believe that, why are they not asking the questions? Why are they not scheduling meetings with my family or with my attorney?

Trista can say and do what she wants. To the best of my knowledge [law enforcement] has not confirmed her allegations nor stated that she has been cleared as a suspect herself. I believe that the Focus should remain on finding Ayla. Once Ayla is found then and only then will I think about justice. Justice is served only when all facts and evidence are known and presented in a court of law.

For my family - the last thing left in Pandora 's Box is hope. We choose to hold on to hope that Ayla will be found and brought home. If 3 adult women were held captive for over a decade and finally rescued then please believe there is hope Ayla will be found alive. So we ask and plead that the public continues to look for Ayla. Her eyes are beautiful and distinctive which will be a good focal point in looking for her.

We continue to pray that a Good Samaritan will come forward with the information [law enforcement] needs to bring Ayla home. Ayla, my granddaughter is out there alive so please do not give up looking for her. If you know anything please come forward.
Phoebe DiPietro"

So I simply ask you this: Why is this not a response from the DiPietro family? How many of you fully commit to believing TC4A in it's entirety?


  1. I don't believe TCA for Ayla in its entirety. If it was 100% true, then it would be impossible for Ayla to be alive, and if that was the case LE would state that they KNOW Ayla is deceased and state so definitively. They say they believe she isn't alive, it's unlikely, etc. They never state what they are basing it on. It could be statistics. I also find it implausible that there would be no arrests if it was true. Finally, Jeff and Trista don't have a track record for getting the facts straight.

    As an aside, thank you, Katie, for taking on this new blog.

  2. Thank you for this post, Katie.

    This is a very practical response from Phoebe which highlights THE most important thing in all of this. FIND AYLA.

    I don't know if TC4A is 100% true, partially true, or a complete fabrication. I don't get bogged down in that because it was never intended to be shared with the public. I'm not supposed to know what LE shared with Trista or why.

  3. Special thanks to Carol Bengle Gilbert. The Case for Ayla would not exist without her words of wisdom.

  4. Well, it's a response...personally I think Phoebe was full of shit. She didn't address the blood evidence, and really, if you are going to "respond" to "allegations", shouldn't you explain or deny them? My opinion only...

    1. Also, I think TCFA is basically true. It would have been too risky for Trista and Jeff to make up evidence (even though they may have at first, for instance, where did JohnP get the idea there was brain matter on a lampshade?), because if MSP did refute them, it would be a win for the Dips. Exaggerated? Most likely, but not factually untrue.

    2. I don't think it is accurate at all, I think the reason LE wouldn't confirm or deny is because they don't want the public to know, just how little blood evidence they do have.

    3. I'm drawn to something Jeff said about TCFA. He said they were warned it might taint a jury pool, but the lawyer (Brian Hansen) wasn't worried, because there are plenty of people in Maine (Im paraphrasing here). Now tainting the jury pool means Justin's jury pool, right? Why would they risk Justin not being able to receive a fair trial just to make LE arrest him? Wouldn't they be shooting themselves in the foot? Sure he is arrested, but he acquitted? Sounds like another Casey Anthony travesty.

    4. I agree Grace, I think that TCFA is basically true. MSP didn't refute it. If it was false, they would have refuted it. They did it in the past.

  5. I think there were exaggerations on the information. The blood spatter shot in the basement was misleading.

    I tried to get them to add a footnote that is was a diagram of how it works and not the actual basement at the DiPietros but they chose not to for effect.

    The doll lying on the ground came from the video of Pallaso on the song and video from you tube. Now if they would mislead on these why not more.

    I tried to get them to be more accurate on their description amount or the number of droplets , spots and other they chose to use a few, or some and let the reader interpret how many and much blood .

    Trista actually stated at one time it looked like a murder scene. They want people to believe that Trista took other people with her to view this yet no one will say publicly they were there.

    Just to many things for me to believe it was accurate or true sorry.

    1. I don't know why McKee doesn't call the Fazzi's up and confirm a few things. Like whether or not Trista was present during her first phone call, and whether Melissa and Alex were present and if they agree about the blood evidence. I think they would talk to her (especially if Jeff lied about them), and tell her what we want to know.

    2. God bless you, Dana!

      Your comment addressed several questions that have troubled me.

      Hope you are well, friend!

    3. Thanks mckee and I am better than I deserve the weather here is great and no


  6. This is all I can find on the short press conference Trista was suppose to hold in the small park across the street from the court house. I was told by Jeff H. that it would be a Question and Answer session about the evidence Trista released in TC4A.

    Trista Reynolds, Ayla’s mother, held a short press conference outside the courthouse before Justin DiPietro’s appearance before the judge. She called attention to her dissatisfaction with the investigation of the case of her missing daughter.

    “I’ve lost some faith in the state police,” she said, adding that she wasn’t contacted by police after she went public Monday with information on the investigation of Ayla’s disappearance.

    No report anywhere of the questions and answers about the evidence revealed.
    Just the chase scene and name calling at Justin in the street.

  7. September 23, 2013 at 5:02 pm

    I wish to thank CG, DanaB, Dee, JohnP, Katie, Lee, Mountain Mama, Peter Hyatt, Tori Gifford, and Wordman, who all became editors and advisers in “The Case for Ayla”. A part of me was lost in the process of molding it, but it took a piece from every one of them as well, along with the hundreds of other bloggers and Facebook users who keep Ayla’s name alive, every hour of every day. I am proud to have known the devotion and selflessness for Ayla within these forums.

    Special thanks to Carol Bengle Gilbert. The Case for Ayla would not exist without her words of wisdom.

    The only role I had in this was I got to read it before it was posted, and I was included on the emails. Every person named above was sent TC4A to view before it was released everyone.

  8. The thing I wonder about is the cut foot of Ayla. Was this Justins response to the blood in the basement?

    Also if you were trying to make someone believe there was an abduction, and there really wasn't one, wouldn't you at least jimmy a door lock or something to make it appear someone came in uninvited?

  9. Hi Katie,
    Thank you for providing another place for discussion about Ayla. It's important that people keep talking about her. She can use every available voice.

    I thought Phoebe's response to Trista's allegations (TCFA) was very apt.
    Her message was clear and stressed two points.
    Don't believe everything you hear and read.
    ...."Blog world, the newspapers and even the evening news have a way of distorting the truth." (that's an understatement.)
    ...." I believe that the Focus should remain on finding Ayla"

    TCFA, I have little faith in it's accuracy.

  10. I just saw CG comment on FFA that there was blood spray found with luminol on the couch UPSTAIRS. This is supposedly the same couch where the dollar size stain was reported to be in TCFA. Are they changing their stories again? Is this like the sheet with Trista's blood morphing into Ayla's, or wtf?

    1. I stand corrected, MM gave some excerpts where this was discussed in TCFA, not as detailed but it was mentioned.

  11. I do not believe TCFA is accurate at all ! I do believe the cut foot was Depietro's response to the blood !

  12. Katie <3 Please stop by !

  13. I do not believe TCFA.

    "I wish to thank CG, DanaB, Dee, JohnP, Katie, Lee, Mountain Mama, Peter Hyatt, Tori Gifford, and Wordman, who all became editors and advisers in “The Case for Ayla”. A part of me was lost in the process of molding it..."

    "Molding" it? That sounds about right, Jeff.

  14. I think this topic would make for an interesting post or at least a platform for interesting conversation:


    1. Wow, just wow. I am floored. This is the same guy that read Ayla's x-ray's and declared it was an "acute" break from abuse, even though none of the er personnel or the ortho-doc felt it needed to be reported. Unbelievable. I wonder if he had a part in "molding" the case for Ayla, as a special favor to Peter Hyatt, of course.

    2. As I recall this "story" about Dr. Ricci reviewing Ayla's x-rays was told to Tori through an e- mail from P. Hyatt. In the e-mail he stressed that Tori not mention Dr. Ricci's name, and implies what this Dr. told him (Hyatt) was in confidence.
      We know...well I do...that P. Hyatt is known to fabricate and mislead. I have serious doubts that Dr. Ricci even looked at Ayla's x-rays. If he did it was unethical on several counts, and violated laws.

      I don't know about Dr. Ricci, but P. Hyatt was/is definitely involved in all the malfeasance surrounding Ayla's case.

      As far as I'm concerned, yeah Grace, P. Hyatt

    3. Peter Hyatt, who breaks copyright laws by copying and pasting entire news articles onto his blog which is plastered with ads, allowing him to profit from his theft. Because that is theft.

      He scrubbed his "SA" of Trista where he found her to be deceptive.

      What's the relationship between PH and Jeff? And Tori?

    4. Hey you!

      Just a shout out that you have taught me many things.

      Thank you, Foil.

    5. You are two of my favorite people. :- )

  15. Fucked up, eh Grace?

  16. It seems to me that McCausland is rather Bias In the article you posted Mckeekitty !! This article also says alot.., I do like that Sgt. Love said he wanted closure for THESE famlies, Not Bias ! And this : but there isn’t enough evidence to hold anyone responsible for Ayla’s disappearance, said Lisa Marchese, deputy attorney general for the state of Maine. Not Bias!

    1. Excellent eye, Elaine!

      I don't think McCausland speaks for all those on the front line of this case. I'm sure there is a detective or two that knows shit when he/she smells it...

      You know my motto by now..."keep digging."

  17. I think when this whole thing started Jeff Trista got all their support lined up so they could sell their account of what they think happened.From the start anyone who agreed with or bought what Jeff or Trista said was brought on as administrators. You don't want opposing people in the camp only logical. I say those who agree because, even if they were not influenced by what Jeff or Trista said they are of the opinion that Di Pietros hurt Ayla and probably caused her disappearance.

    I think Peter Hyatt is bought and paid for because of what he did with Trista original SA. Also he refuses to do any SA on anything she has said since that first time.

    A lot of people say well if it wasn't accurate what she has said LE would speak up about it. I disagree because LE has stated time and again they will not confirm or deny anything Trista has said.

    If you are going to take the thing LE has said about the three there that night, then you have to take LE at their word on everything. THEY WILL NOT CONFIRM OR DENY ANYTHING SHE HAS SAID ON A BLOG. You cannot say oh LE would set the record straight. JMO

    If Ayla was abducted or not abducted I want whoever caused her brought to justice. I am going to let LE do their job I am not second guessing them or twisting their words to say something they did not say.

    1. I totally agree with your comment, Dana.
